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  • February 5, 2024 by Aditi Mohan

    Do I need a limited company for an online business?

    You may want to start setting your business up for future growth, one way to do so is to incorporate as a Limited Company. As an online business, it is not necessary to incorporate. However, becoming a Limited Company could be the perfect next step.

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  • December 14, 2023 by Aditi Mohan

    Do you offer a company formations reseller package?

    Yes, we do! Our wholesale packages allow you to offer our packages to your own clients. 

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  • December 4, 2023 by Admin

    Appointing Company Directors

    Once you have registered your company the next step in the company formation process is appointing your Company Officers. Company’s officers are appointed members of the company who are formally named as Company Director and Company Secretary in the Articles of Association.

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  • December 4, 2023 by Admin

    The Role of a Company Secretary

    Today, we are going to consider the roles and responsibilities of the Company Secretary. Historically, all limited companies must appoint a company secretary at the point of company formation. However, due to rules stipulated in The Companies Act, since April 2008, companies 

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  • December 4, 2023 by Tom Richardson

    Franchising: A Tried and Tested Business Model

    In all sectors, the three main challenges facing any start-up are identifying a gap in the market, developing the product or service and establishing a price point. Consequently, when deciding to form a company, many entrepreneurs choose to buy a franchise. Franchising  has many advantages and disadvantages...

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  • December 4, 2023 by Tom Richardson

    Credit Check Please

    You’ve received numerous emails relating to cheap Company Credit Checks but never taken any notice. It’s time you re-evaluated this stance though as Credit Checks can prove a vital tool in the success of your company. What is a Company Credit Check? It’s a detailed report on a company including details of: • Who owns (shareholders) […]

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  • December 4, 2023 by Admin

    Forming A Dormant Company – Don’t Be Fooled

    Forming a dormant company is exactly the same as forming a trading company. You still need a company name, you still need a company director and you still need a shareholder. The formation process is not one iota different.

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  • December 4, 2023 by Tom Richardson

    Choosing Your Company Name – Characters and Symbols

    Stressing the importance of a company name is pointless – let’s just leave it at “it matters”. So in this series of blogs, we’re going to touch on the restrictions imposed by Companies House in regard to what you can and can’t call your company. 

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  • December 4, 2023 by Tom Richardson

    Choosing Your Company Name – Restricted Words: International

    When choosing the name for your Limited Company it’s important to check if your chosen name includes any “restricted words” and if it does, can you meet the criteria set out by Companies House that allows you to use it?

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  • December 4, 2023 by Tom Richardson

    What Is… A Company Authentication Code?

    Last Updated: 20/08/2014 The company authentication code was introduced by Companies House to ensure that any instructions it received about making changes to a company had been given by authorised persons in the limited company. In the past, forms such as Form 287 (change of registered office) were sent to Companies House by bogus individuals. On […]

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