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Tom Richardson

About Tom Richardson

Tom Richardson

About Tom Richardson

Tom is our resident company formation expert. He has been writing about small businesses and how to set them up for 14 years and counting. With two degrees in business management, you can trust Tom's expert advice. Find his published articles here on all things company formation. When he's not writing you can find Tom training for a marathon, he also enjoys a good beer in a pub, films and football, though not necessarily in that order.

View all posts by Tom Richardson
  • December 4, 2023 by Tom Richardson

    What is: Registered Office, Service Address and Residential Address.

    When forming a limited company, you may face many addresses. If you are not familiar with the terms, this can be confusing! Luckily, we’re here to help. Our blog breaks down three key addresses, what they mean and how they differ. 

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  • December 4, 2023 by Tom Richardson

    Franchising: A Tried and Tested Business Model

    In all sectors, the three main challenges facing any start-up are identifying a gap in the market, developing the product or service and establishing a price point. Consequently, when deciding to form a company, many entrepreneurs choose to buy a franchise. Franchising  has many advantages and disadvantages...

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  • December 4, 2023 by Tom Richardson

    The Importance of Research Before Creating Your Company

    It is a well known fact, that many recently formed companies go into administration within the first two years of company formation. Which is why research is key! 

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  • December 4, 2023 by Tom Richardson

    Credit Check Please

    You’ve received numerous emails relating to cheap Company Credit Checks but never taken any notice. It’s time you re-evaluated this stance though as Credit Checks can prove a vital tool in the success of your company. What is a Company Credit Check? It’s a detailed report on a company including details of: • Who owns (shareholders) […]

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  • December 4, 2023 by Tom Richardson

    Economic Growth Remains Anemic

    When the government first announced the country had emerged from what had been the worst economic downturn for sometime, it was expected that growth would be slow; however, as reports from the first quarter of the year have come in, it appears that growth is even more anemic than expected. 

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  • December 4, 2023 by Tom Richardson

    Choosing Your Company Name – Characters and Symbols

    Stressing the importance of a company name is pointless – let’s just leave it at “it matters”. So in this series of blogs, we’re going to touch on the restrictions imposed by Companies House in regard to what you can and can’t call your company. 

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  • December 4, 2023 by Tom Richardson

    Choosing Your Company Name – Restricted Words: International

    When choosing the name for your Limited Company it’s important to check if your chosen name includes any “restricted words” and if it does, can you meet the criteria set out by Companies House that allows you to use it?

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  • December 4, 2023 by Tom Richardson

    How Do I… Change my Company Secretary?

    Updated on 18/08/2014 A UK Limited Company can have multiple secretaries, although having a company secretary is no longer a legal requirement. To appoint a new secretary after the company has been formed, you can submit an AP03 form to Companies House. To resign a secretary after the company has been formed, you can submit […]

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  • December 4, 2023 by Tom Richardson

    What Is… A Company Authentication Code?

    Last Updated: 20/08/2014 The company authentication code was introduced by Companies House to ensure that any instructions it received about making changes to a company had been given by authorised persons in the limited company. In the past, forms such as Form 287 (change of registered office) were sent to Companies House by bogus individuals. On […]

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  • December 4, 2023 by Tom Richardson

    What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Buying an Existing Limited Company?

    Buying an existing company is often a quick way to get ‘up and running.’ As with all major decisions there are a number of important points to consider in buying a business...

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