Last updated Aug 02, 2024 and written by Tom Richardson

Searching for companies just got a whole lot simpler

If you’re someone who manages multiple limited companies, such as an accountant, you might find yourself struggling to navigate your way around all of them. Thankfully, your Company Formation MadeSimple account displays them all in an easy to view list.

Seeing that we’re all about constantly improving and refining our service,  we’ve just made it a whole lot simpler. To suit our customers needs, we’ve just launched a ‘Company Search’ function ideally suited for  the professional packages we offer.

Let’s get to grips with this exciting new feature. It will undoubtedly make searching for companies that little bit quicker and more efficient.

First of all, you’re going to want to login to your Company Formation MadeSimple account. Just click on the ‘Login’ button at the top right hand side of the screen:

If you are a new customer, enter a username and password along with your email address once you’ve selected your Company Registration package. If you are already a customer just put in your email address and password to login:

This will take you to your ‘Dashboard’. Here you can get a broad overview of your account including ‘Order History’, ‘Payment Methods’ and ‘Statutory Forms’. To use the new company search function, click on the ‘My Companies’ button:

You will now see a list of companies, if you work with lots of limited companies – this could be many pages long. However, you will now see a small search box above the list of incorporated companies. Click where it says ‘Search by company name or number’ and enter the details of the company you’re looking for:

That’s it! the companies matching the details you entered will be available to view at a glance:

So if you’re working with a large number of companies, it’s now even easier to quickly and efficiently navigate them.

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